H&B RealCup Teas - eco-friendly single serve products
Each Higgins & Burke Naturals™ blend is made from hand-plucked, high-grown tea leaves for outstanding quality and taste. There is nothing artificial in Higgins & Burke Naturals™ – they’re made with Mother Nature’s bounty, from earth to cup.
Higgins & Burke™ Loose Leaf Tea English Breakfast
A traditionally bold with a twist on this classically flavourful blend
• 24 single serve cups, black tea, loose leaf tea. (can be purchased by the piece)
• Compatible for use with Keurig® 2.0 K-Cup® brewers.
Recyclable Capsules
Finished brewing? Don't pitch that plastic! Capsule is still hot after brewing, allow to cool before peeling. Locate tab on the lip of the pod, peel off used filter and discard. Outer cups can be
collected with your other recyclables where #6 plastics are accepted.
Flavour Max™ Filter
Unlike other filters, the Flavour Max™ Filter uses non-woven fibers to make sure all the rich flavours, colours and aromas end up in your cup. Inside we put the perfect amount of precisely ground
coffee or tea, then we lock in the freshness with an airtight flavour seal. But all you really need to know is it makes single serve taste great!
Black tea, safflowers.
Higgins & Burke™ and RealCup® brands have no affiliation with Keurig Green Mountain Inc., Keurig® or K-Cup®. Keurig® and K-Cup® are registered trademarks of Keurig Green Mountain Inc.
Higgins & Burke™ Loose Leaf Tea Lemongrass Green
Bright, lively and soothing green tea complemented by flavours of fresh citrus.
• 24 single serve cups, green tea, loose leaf tea. (can be purchased by the piece)
• Compatible for use with Keurig® 2.0 K-Cup® brewers.
Recyclable Capsules
Finished brewing? Don't pitch that plastic! Capsule is still hot after brewing, allow to cool before peeling. Locate tab on the lip of the pod, peel off used filter and discard. Outer cups can be
collected with your other recyclables where #6 plastics are accepted.
Flavour Max™ Filter
Unlike other filters, the Flavour Max™ Filter uses non-woven fibers to make sure all the rich flavours, colours and aromas end up in your cup. Inside we put the perfect amount of precisely ground
coffee or tea, then we lock in the freshness with an airtight flavour seal. But all you really need to know is it makes single serve taste great!
Green tea, lemongrass, lemon balm, lemon verbena, cornflowers.
Higgins & Burke™ and RealCup® brands have no affiliation with Keurig Green Mountain Inc., Keurig® or K-Cup®. Keurig® and K-Cup® are registered trademarks of Keurig Green Mountain Inc.
Higgins & Burke™ Loose Leaf Tea Lush Berry™
Sweet, tart and zesty with juicy berry pieces.
• 24 single serve cups, herbal tea, flavoured, loose leaf tea. (can be purchased by the piece)
• Compatible for use with Keurig® K-Cup® brewers.
Recyclable Capsules
Finished brewing? Don't pitch that plastic! Capsule is still hot after brewing, allow to cool before peeling. Locate tab on the lip of the pod, peel off used filter and discard. Outer cups can be
collected with your other recyclables where #6 plastics are accepted.
Flavour Max™ Filter
Unlike other filters, the Flavour Max™ Filter uses non-woven fibers to make sure all the rich flavours, colours and aromas end up in your cup. Inside we put the perfect amount of precisely ground
coffee or tea, then we lock in the freshness with an airtight flavour seal. But all you really need to know is it makes single serve taste great!
Hibiscus, orange peel, rosehip, apple pieces, natural flavours, chicory, licorice root, cranberry pieces, strawberry pieces.
Higgins & Burke™ and RealCup® brands have no affiliation with Keurig Green Mountain Inc., Keurig® or K-Cup®. Keurig® and K-Cup® are registered trademarks of Keurig Green Mountain Inc.
Higgins & Burke™ Loose Leaf Tea Orange Pekoe
Malty and brisk for a beautifully balanced and traditional flavour.
• 24 single serve cups, black tea, loose leaf tea. (can be purchased by the piece)
• Compatible for use with Keurig® K-Cup® brewers.
Recyclable Capsules
Finished brewing? Don't pitch that plastic! Capsule is still hot after brewing, allow to cool before peeling. Locate tab on the lip of the pod, peel off used filter and discard. Outer cups can be
collected with your other recyclables where #6 plastics are accepted.
Flavour Max™ Filter
Unlike other filters, the Flavour Max™ Filter uses non-woven fibers to make sure all the rich flavours, colours and aromas end up in your cup. Inside we put the perfect amount of precisely ground
coffee or tea, then we lock in the freshness with an airtight flavour seal. But all you really need to know is it makes single serve taste great!
Black tea, blue cornflowers.
Higgins & Burke™ and RealCup® brands have no affiliation with Keurig Green Mountain Inc., Keurig® or K-Cup®. Keurig® and K-Cup® are registered trademarks of Keurig Green Mountain Inc.